Monday, November 10, 2014

Tow #9 - Political Catoon, Visual Text

Political Gates, a blog dedicated to exploiting the harsh minimum wage, uses "The Minimum Wage Job" image in order to give the reader a visual representation of treatment of minimum wage workers. The word "POVERTY" is boldly stated across the image, and it can be inferred that the man carving out the V is a minimum wage worker, doing the only work while the standing above him screams down at him. The author cleverly uses juxtaposition between the two men to enhance the message that minimum wage workers are treated unfairly. The man below is clearly malnourished, his arms nothing but single lines, whereas the man standing above is obviously not missing any meals. This comparison by placing the two men near each other enforces the idea that minimum wage workers are less privileged compared to the upper class. This image also appeals to symbolism in order to convey its message of unfair treatment. The man standing above, clearly the oppressor, resembles a vulture. Vultures are known for their nature: to prey on the weak for their own personal gain. This drives home the idea that the bosses of minimum wage workers take advantage by underpaying their workers so they can obtain all the profit themselves. Sarcasm is another prevalent idea portrayed in this political cartoon. The man yells, "Keep working, it's the only way out!" to the worker, while the worker keeps digging down and burying themselves farther into poverty. This is sarcastic because its a meaner form of irony; while the man is working harder to survive and have an income, he is only digging himself a larger hole he would have to climb out of. This political cartoon is extremely effective, especially today on this very controversial subject, because it portrays the thought of many socialists that the minimum wage needs to be raised and the workers need fairer treatment.

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